Anonymous Message to the Citizens of America
Greetings world, We are Anonymous.
We were originally planning to release this particular message if
Trump was to become president of the United States. But we
later realized, that whoever does become president, whether its
Trump, Sanders, or Hillary Clinton. In the end, nothing will
stop us, or the citizens of the United States from the
inevitable. Be it state wide uprisings, mass protests, or
If America ever does have a revolution, be it one of blood,
we will survive the eve and end of Spring. We will survive the
eve and end of Summer. We will survive the eve and end of
Autumn. We will survive the eve and end of Winter. But at
what cost? A violent revolution will only destroy the very fabric
the founding fathers fought and struggled so indefatigable to
place. However, if America has a bloodless revolution, not only
will it unite the masses, the citizens of other nations will see
this as a possible, and realistic choice. If the citizens of the
United States do decidedly deploy a bloodless revolution, what
will stop the citizens from other countries from rising up to
their own petty system? By no means is this a call to arms,
nor are we declaring war against the United States government.
We are only conveying a message to the masses. The citizens
of America, like others who have rose up against the system,
are tenacious for justice. And as we all know, America’s
policies affect the globe on a grand stage. But one has to
question, what event, decision, or action will the U.S.
government take which will alert the masses of the corrupted
body that is the U.S. government? Who will lead this
revolution? Who will counter it? Will we have a revolution of
betrayal and of power struggle like the lost revolutions in the
Arab world? Many will not bother to contemplate this and will
only find it as naive and ludicrous. Some will go far as to
say that revolutions will never exist anymore. Is a revolution in
America truly needed right now? The answer lies within you if
it does or does not.
Until the majority of the masses are not able to strive in
becoming what they want to be in life, it is in that moment
where they will rise and fight against the system.
So it has to be asked, how many more martyrs will there be?
How many more voices will have to perish for the U.S.
citizenry to notice and care? Until we cease fighting with one
another over the non-essential, until we cease our cynic selves,
we will never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Until then
however, we are nothing more, and nothing less, then slaves
and animals. Yet we are also not blind, we are fully aware of
the mitigating steps the United States government takes to
ensure the trust between the people is balanced. There is
interaction, but these steps of “interaction” are too small, and
too slow. Such a question however, is too early to state since
our next president is right around the corner. If he, or she,
does not deliver or fulfill the policies they intended to bring it
will be safe to say that the current government is no longer
functional. Our economy will further destabilize, our
representatives will be hailed as uncooperative, and our system,
will be destroyed. For over a decade, voting was useless. When
it comes to U.S. grounds, corporations and lobbyists are the
true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power
to control our lives.
Nevertheless, to rebuild our government, we must first destroy
Our time for democracy is here.
Our time for real change is here.
We call upon the Citizens of the United States to stand beside
us in overthrowing this corrupted body and call upon a new
era. Our allegiance is to those whom fought tirelessly for
justice, because they are us, and we are them.
This Operation, will be engaged, when the citizens of the
United States begin to rise against a government which does
not hold its democratic values, against a government that does
not listen to its people, against a government which only
intends to fulfill its own agenda, against a government whom
only functions behind closed doors, and against a government
which censors dissidents.
We are the common citizen.
We will never forgive.
We will never forget.
To the United States government, and to the empires of the
We are not terrorists. We are Anonymous.
We are not criminals. We are the messengers of the light.
Therefore, we declare our right on this earth, to be a man,
to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to
be given the rights of a human being, in this society, on this
earth, in this day, which we intend, to bring into existence…